Get Credit for Your On-Time Rent Payments

Your credit is important to your immediate and future needs — like securing good interest rates on car loans and other revolving credit. Isn’t it time to get rewarded for all the on-time rent payments you make?
RealPage Rent Reporting is an optional $4.99/month subscription that helps build your credit profile1 by automatically reporting your monthly rent payment activity to Equifax®, Experian®, and TransUnion®.2, 3
Subscribing is easy – just sign up during the leasing process or from your resident portal once you’ve moved in. (Subject to community participation.)
Frequently Asked Questions
What is RealPage Rent Reporting?
Why would I want or need RealPage Rent Reporting?
What if I have a question about my subscription?
How do I cancel my subscription?
What if I need to change the credit card I use for payment?
What happens if my future lease date changes after sign-up?
What is required at sign-up?
- Basic information: First Name, Last Name, Email address, and Date of Birth.
- First monthly payment plus tax (if applicable).
- Visa®, Mastercard®, American Express®, Discover® accepted.
To which credit bureaus do you report rent payment history?
Where do I go to check my rental payment tradeline on my credit report?
How is Rent Reporting billed?
Can more than one resident per unit report their rent payments?
Can you report rent payment history for previous leases?
Will a subscription end automatically if I do not renew my lease?
Does my subscription continue if I renew my lease?
Can I get a refund for Rent Reporting if I cancel?
How long does it take for the credit bureaus to report my payment history?
Is there any guarantee that my credit history or score will improve as a result of RealPage Rent Reporting?
How do I dispute a rent payment inaccuracy shown on my credit report?
What happens if my community stops participating in RealPage Rent Reporting?
Will rental assistance or subsidies paid by third parties on my behalf be considered reportable?
Why does the rental tradeline show closed when my lease is still open?
1 Alternative Data Such as Rent Payment Reporting Bridges the Gap for Unscorable Consumers and Increases Financial Inclusion Opportunities. TransUnion (2021).
2 This is subject to change without prior notice, but your monthly rent payments will be reported to at least one of the three major bureaus during your subscription to RealPage Rent Reporting.
3 Please note, RealPage is not a credit bureau and does not have direct influence over any aspect of credit bureau consumer profiles or credit scores calculated by the bureaus. Each bureau to which we report your rental payment information will determine, in its sole discretion, whether and how to use that information.
RealPage is a registered trademark of RealPage, Inc., which is not affiliated with Equifax, Experian, TransUnion or the owners of any other trademarks or service marks referenced herein. These company names and any trademarks or service marks associated with them are the property of their respective owners.