The Value of RealWorld? Stories, Successes, Insights and Dazzle
There is no other industry conference that informs about improving the efficiencies and effectiveness of day-to-day operations of rental housing, from apartments to vacation rentals – with the greater perspective of the industry.

Why attend RealWorld 2020?
Now, there’s a story.
The short of it is that there is no other industry conference that informs about improving the efficiencies and effectiveness of day-to-day operations of rental housing, from apartments to vacation rentals – with the greater perspective of the industry. The takeaways – whether through hands-on training and demonstration of RealPage products, sessions hosted by industry visionaries or networking – are of great value.
And they can make a difference. A really nice difference.
Zee Bhimji, the President of Real Property Management, Chicago Group, summed up why he will probably come back to RealWorld after one particular event to remember.
“So I come, I'm attending a session and I'm getting a few ideas,” he said. “I mean, I had one simple item that I brought up to another property manager and I was able to take it back home and turn it into about $60,000 in bottom line in one year.”
Worth it.
It’s just one reason why RealWorld is the venue for a truly inspired experience. It attracts just not RealPage clients but industry leaders and officials for conquering the long- and short-term of rental housing.
Since 1999, rental housing technology has been on a path of continuous evolution and RealWorld has been at the forefront. Year-over-year attendance has grown steadily and the event has earned a reputation for actionable insights and real growth opportunities.
Many of the same faces return year after year for the rare opportunity to meet with peers from across the country and from every sector of the rental housing industry. The return on their investment ranges from learning RealPage’s latest technological offerings to gaining insight in the way property portfolios succeed – and fail.
Don’t forget the big party, which last year earned rave reviews.
Delivering the stories of property management
On July 12-14, RealWorld enters its 21st year, spanning three decades, with what is expected to be another memorable event at the Gaylord Rockies in Denver, CO.
RealWorld has had a penchant for bringing the stories of property management and operations to its attendees in living color. There have been stunning observations, even some splitting of atoms.
In one of the most talked-about sessions a few years ago, a standing room-only crowd heard first-hand from residents about their renter experiences, what they liked and disliked. In an adjacent room, 17 renters from California and Nevada shared with a panel of industry experts via a video feed what they thought about online leasing, how they used resident portals and factors that would deter them from renewing a lease.
“For me,” one resident said, “I felt like service is a decision for me to stay in the apartment.”
The session was talked about in industry circles over the months to come.
Getting a granular look at apartments
And at RealWorld 2017 the data science of revenue management through predictive analytics emerged as the future of multifamily. The systematic approach of measuring the quality of inbound leads and comparing them to leasing outcomes became the standard for accurately measuring marketing and sales effectiveness.
“We believe it’s possible to get more granular and actionable information by splitting the atom,” said a RealPage senior director. “We do this by measuring the quality of inbound leads when they hit the system. It’s using data science to algorithmically score each lead as it comes in.”
Panelists showed how data science measures lead quality, how business intelligence and predictive analytics are transforming the way we understand the business, and how crafting a quality-adjusted demand-optimization strategy can deliver dollar-measurable return on investment.
Successfully enhancing processes
Another session revealed how old-school accounting methods just can’t get the job done.
Five years ago, a top executive from a management firm shared that the company found success with RealPage’s accounting and financial solutions, so much he was having a fire sale on file cabinets. The client cleared the drawers that held invoices, purchase orders and check stubs and moved his company to a new chapter in finance.
Doing so enabled the California-based property management company to become leaner and more efficient through a streamlined payables process that was littered with paper and taxed by accounting labor.
But the benefit didn’t stop there. The solution was like a caulk that prevented leaks.
“I can tell you that money was slipping through cracks,” he said.
Jumping to the forefront of rental housing technology
And then there is the dazzling graphics presentation that has separated RealWorld from other conferences. Each year a cast of characters including top RealPage executives put on a general session that’s just short of someone jumping through a big screen.
At last year’s RealWorld Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Ashley Glover transformed from her virtual self to set the stage for CEO Steve Winn, who emerged from one of multiple holograms to the front of the stage to deliver a key message on the future of rental housing.
It was another example of how RealPage leverages technology to deliver the goods, and what separates RealWorld from any other industry conference.
Learn more about RealWorld and the successes and insights that it offers by registering today!