RealPage India Adopts Government School in Hyderabad

At RealPage, we believe in giving back to the communities in which we live and work. For the past 20 years, RealPage employees around the world have given their time, talent and financial resources to those in need. With the recent launch of RealPageGIVES, employees around the globe have the opportunity to engage with vetted nonprofit organizations of their choice.
"RealPageGIVES is about taking our corporate citizenship to the next level," says Sandeep Sharma, India-Managing Director, "need exists everywhere and with this platform, our employees are able to give back to their communities in a more meaningful way."
This year, RealPage India partnered with United Way-Hyderabad in adopting a government primary school to help transform it into a culture and learning center with facilities and tools it never had before.
“Employees’ contributions have elicited a sense of hope and newfound purpose for students and families of the locality,” says Osman Akthar, Director-Legal & Compliance, “our team is inspired by the transformation we have witnessed at the school and look forward to seeing how we continue to impact these students' lives.”
Over 1,200 RealPage India employees have dedicated their Saturdays to giving back by visiting and mentoring nearly 260 primary school students. To date, employees have spent more than 880 hours teaching students English, playing musical instruments, and educating them on the importance of environmental sustainability. This is a great example of RealPage in action.
Through RealPageGIVES, employees are innovating and simplifying ways to create lasting impact in their communities around the world. In partnership with United Way-Hyderabad, RealPage India is transforming the education system, one student at a time.
Because of RealPage employees’ generosity, admissions are on the rise and the school has seen a boost in attendance. Students and staff are motivated more than ever and continue to be inspired by RealPage's commitment to their school. This program has reignited a sense of hope in the families and students while giving RealPage employees a deeper appreciation for serving their community in a significant way.
“I strongly believe that when employees give their time for such causes, not only are they impacting society in a positive manner, but they also feel good about themselves,” says Rekha Narendra, HR Director, Realpage India.